LSBF in Singapore has once again attained the 4-Year EduTrust Award by the Committee for Private Education, an agency appointed by governmental board SkillsFuture Singapore to regulate and uplift the private education sector.
The EduTrust award is given to private education institutions for having achieved good performance in key areas of management and the provision of educational services. The award also enables these institutions to welcome international students into their campuses.
“The preparation was a five-month long implementation plan and execution was done seamlessly. It was a pleasure working with all the Heads of Departments and the EduTrust Criteria Filing team from each department,” said Muhammad Husain, Senior Quality Assurance Manager at LSBF in Singapore.
“A successful renewal means that as an organisation, we have matured and are operating with a proven quality system that produces quality outcomes. Kudos to everyone! We will achieve greater heights in the future together.”