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Best Time for Study

What is the best time for studying—day or night?

“The day we stop learning is the day we die”

— Michael Scott (Author)

Getting straight As in your exams is super easy if you know the answer to this. Scientific Research reveals the best time to study.

Learning and studying is an ongoing process and part of human life. Every day you learn something new and you get wiser. Every experience in life makes you richer with wisdom. 

Similarly, academic learning is a lifelong process. But there is a notable difference between learning and studying. Learning is the benefit you gain from the act of studying. When you invest your energies to understand something through studying, your learning journey begins.

As a student, you can ensure progress by studying during certain hours of the day. However, this may be different for different people.

So how do you discern the most effective time to study? What is the best choice for you? What are the signals or cues you can use to pick up information about your learning abilities, and how can you use this information to accelerate your learning?

Scientists have found the best time for study!

According to scientists, the brain is most alert and teachable at 10 am–2 pm and 4 pm–10 pm. (Source: Amber Student).

If you would like to optimise your attention span and practise deep learning, then science advises you to study between the hours of 4 am and 7 am. This period is best for deep focus. This is probably the best time to study in the morning.

What are the Advantages of Studying in the Morning?

Studying early in the morning is quite popular among a lot of students across the world. 

  • Our brains tend to be the most efficient and alert in the morning after a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast. This puts you in a state where learning will be easy. 
  • The morning time is often the best time to learn new theories and grasp complex concepts.
  • The ample amount of natural light available in the morning can also help you stay alert and focused. 
  • Early morning light is also highly beneficial for your eyes, it makes your retinas strong and your eye muscles able to process a lot of information or look at a computer screen. 
  • A morning study schedule is likely to be in line with your circadian rhythm and will help you maintain your sleep schedule.

Tips for Studying During the Day

  1. Try using noise-canceling headphones or earphones, this will help cut out all the distractions.
  2. If possible, find a comfortable seat in a quiet library, this can help you focus on your studies.
  3. The best time to study in the day is when you are most ready to study! To get to this state of mind, ensure that all your needs are met. Take a bath, eat a well-balanced meal and make sure you’re comfortable. This way you can trick your mind into believing that the only important task at hand is studying.

Is Studying Early in the Morning Useful to Everyone?

Studying in the morning can be advantageous for you if:

  1. You are a morning person
  2. You find yourself to be most energetic and alert in the morning
  3. If you notice that your mind is silent in the early morning hours
  4. If waking up early is an inspiration to you
  5. If your digestive clock makes you wake up early, then you are a natural early riser.

If these resonate with you, then studying in the early hours of the day can be quite advantageous for you.

Studying in the Afternoon

Numerous studies prove that your critical thinking and analytical skills are quite effective between 2 pm and 5 pm. During this time, your brain can be very efficient at integrating and processing any new information that you have acquired. 

Afternoons are also an excellent time for creative learning. Your brain can create connections between what you learned and what you are aiming to retain more quickly, thereby making you more analytical.

In most cases, people are generally active in the afternoons since it falls in the middle of a workday. Therefore, you can use your afternoon study to get your queries clarified by your instructors.

What are the Benefits of Studying at Night?

If you tend to have higher energy levels later in the day or evening, a night-time study schedule can suit you well. If you choose to study at night, you are likely to have fewer distractions, giving you a chance to concentrate better. This option is highly recommended, especially if you live with your family.

LSBF Singapore Campus offers you the flexibility to manage your study schedule and organise your time. You’ll get access to a host of online learning resources like high-quality videos, course materials, and mock exams.

The online courses at LSBF in Singapore are industry-oriented and can help you prepare for a successful financial career.

On top of fewer distractions, there are additional benefits to studying at night:

  • It has been proven that studying in the evening will help you consolidate your learning and improve your recall.
  • Research shows that studying at night can also help you retain new skills like learning a new language. 
  • Studying before bedtime can ensure your memory consolidation process is at its peak. However, make sure that you are getting at least 8–9 hours of sleep if you are studying at night.

Tips for Studying at Night

  1. Stay hydrated: Keep drinking enough water when you study at nighttime. That will provide your brain with enough oxygen to keep you alert and energetic.
  2. Try to sit cross-legged on the floor: If you have just had dinner and want to study, this is the best posture you can assume, as it will help digest your meal, ensuring that you feel energetic and alert.
  3. Try to include drinking warm fluids in your night study routine. Drinking warm water or warm coffee can greatly boost your energy levels and help you stay awake.

Find Out When You are Most Productive

Your learning abilities, like memory, alertness, or critical thinking skills, can be at different levels at different times of the day. For example, you are likely to have a better visual memory in the morning while your alertness peaks in the afternoon.

Therefore, making a study timetable conducive to your studies largely depends on your syllabus’ nature. You might have to do a few study trials at different times to find which time suits you best. However, once you have figured out the best time to study, it’s essential to be consistent with your study routine.

Consistency with your study schedule can help your body and mind adapt to your routine and keep you in the best frame of mind for your studies. Eventually, you can organise your study routine to be more effective and efficient.

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