Christopher Ludwig, Head of School of English at LSBF in Singapore, has introduced the ‘flipped classroom’ to his students.
The flipped classroom is a blended learning approach which moves lectures online and assignments into the classroom, where teachers can provide guidance and answer questions. Chris has introduced self-regulated learning tools into his flipped classrooms to help students learn to reflect on their thinking processes.
“The relaxed and personal approach is designed to reduce the gap between the lecturer and students.” said Chris. “It’s about leveraging the expertise of our faculty and the commitment of our students.”
Director of Studies, Michael Cope, confirmed that this experiment is working well. Lecturers can quickly identify which students understand the concepts, and which may need help.
“I think we’ve raised the bar in terms of our expectations, so the quality of work is impressive in terms of what they’re capable of,” Chris added. “These engaging experiences are also designed to help students retain what they learn longer.”