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Soft Skills in Singapore

LSBF in Singapore and JobsCentral Learning To Boost Job Seekers’ Soft Skills in Singapore

JobsCentral Learning introduced Agilelearning, an e-learning platform by London School of Business and Finance in Singapore, on its job portal to help meet the high demand of soft skills in Asia which are essential in today’s job market.

Soft skills are essential during the hiring process and HR managers are looking for people equipped with both technical and people skills. To help jobseekers, London School of Business and Finance in Singapore and JobCentral Learning signed a partnership, to enable jobseekers to get an individualized e-learning platform to prepare for the dynamic work environment.

Part of the collaboration will enable jobseekers to develop their soft skills during their job searching process. Jobseekers will be prompted on the soft skills that are desirable of the position that they are searching for.

Agilelearning is an e-Learning platform which is part of LSBF’s digital learning initiative aimed at broadening the school’s commitment to preparing students for the workplace with relevant workplace competency and soft skills.

Theofilos Vasileiadis, President of Asia, CareerBuilder said: “Our partnership with LSBF is a crucial part of our strategy to collaborate with the top providers of professional education in Singapore. The job market globally relies on top schools to provide competitive workforce, so making sure organizations like Career Builder and London School of Business and Finance in Singapore are working together, builds a solid foundation for this effort.”

RathaKrishnan Govind, Managing Director, London School of Business and Finance in Singapore said: “LSBF partnership with JobCentral is very significant in bringing our workplace softskills content to the jobseekers who need them. Our completely online and self-paced study platform is ideal for individuals to learn at their own time and pace”.



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