Higher Diploma in Computer Science

The Higher Diploma in Computer Science (HDCS) further builds upon the skillsets of the Diploma in Information Technology. It provides one with a solid grounding in subject areas, preparing one for a career in IT and computer science across a wide spectrum of industries, and is suitable for those who wish to prepare themselves for essential roles in the workplace requiring technical expertise, or as a progression pathway to higher education.

Upon completion of the HDCS, students will have attained strong skillsets and requisite domain knowledge, and may progress to degree programmes at the University of East London and may be eligible to gain advanced standings for certain course selections. Students are encouraged to bring their own laptop for practicing laboratory practical exercises.

Higher Diploma in Computer Science (2024)

Key Facts

  • Duration: 14 months (full-time / part-time)
  • Intake dates: Every 2 months (full-time / part-time)
  • Delivery Mode:
    • Live Online
    • On campus
  • Fees: SGD $12,208.00 (local students) / SGD $15,340.74 (international students) (Prices inclusive of GST)

The Higher Diploma in Computer Science (HDCS) aims to achieve an international standard of high-quality training that will lead to a universally recognised qualification, enabling graduates to pursue undergraduate programmes at top universities. The course also aims to equip students with technical skills and competencies to develop applications based on design specifications; encompassing coding, testing, debugging, documenting and reviewing, and/or refining it across the application development stages in accordance with defined standards for development and security. The technical skill includes the analysis and possibly the reuse, improvement, reconfiguration, addition, or integration of existing and/or new application components.

The HDCS course aims to provide students with the ability to:

  • Design and be able to implement high quality and robust software products with secure features, run routine application tests, and conduct debugging to resolve errors
  • Professionally analyse and design information systems
  • Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills when working in groups or leading teams
  • Professionally communicate and present proposals, findings, and results
  • Pursue higher level studies at universities

Graduates of the Higher Diploma in Computer Science should be able to understand and apply, within the employment context, basic theories, and concepts.

Upon successful completion of this HDCS programme, students should be able to:

  • Analyse user requirements and design solutions both efficiently and effectively
  • Elaborate and propose information systems that meet user requirements and demands
  • Propose, evaluate, and implement computerised solutions to meet varying levels of user requirements
  • Develop applications in line with design specifications, utilising a range of tools, methodologies, programming, and externally developed codes
  • Review recommendations to improve the overall functionality, usability, and security of applications against cost, efficiency, and viability considerations
  • Gain an understanding of the concepts of fundamental principles and technologies in information technology
  • Gain technical expertise in the field of information technology, which enables one to excel in this fast-developing area
  • Gain insights into the relationship between information technology theory and practice
  • Gain appropriate software development, programming skills, and critical thinking skills
  • Recognise the management, economic, legal, social, professional, and ethical issues relating to information technology
  • Learn and work both independently and within groups
  • Develop the necessary study skills and knowledge to pursue further study
  • Develop the professional skills necessary for a career in the IT industry
  • Possess effective communication, teamwork, and leadership skills
  • Present proposals and recommendations in a professional and efficient manner

International Students: 90%

Local, PR, non-student’s pass: 75%

Assessment methods may vary according to individual module requirements and each module is assessed by:

  • Continuous Assessment, Formative and Summative Assessments
  • Any combination of class participation, group or individual applied assignments, tests or online quizzes, portfolio, practical examinations, and online written examinations
  • Students may advance to attempt the AWS/PANW Certification examination and will be awarded a certificate meeting the AWS/PANW Educate Certification examination requirement.

40:1 for lecture

24:1 for Computer Lab

a. Minimum Academic Entry Requirement

Local students shall possess one of the following:

  • Two passes in GCE ‘A’ Level Examinations
  • International Baccalaureate (24 points)
  • Local Polytechnic Diploma in any field
  • Completion of LSBF Diploma in Information Technology (applicants can apply to transfer any recognised prior learning credits by applying for Advanced Standing)
  • Vocational Diploma in relevant field of study
  • Other equivalent qualifications

International Students shall possess one of the following:

  • Completion of Year 12 High School Qualification or equivalent qualification from respective home countries
  • Completed International Baccalaureate (24 points)
  • Equivalent Local Polytechnic Diploma in any field in respective home countries
  • Completion of LSBF Diploma in Information Technology (applicants can apply to transfer any recognized prior learning credits by applying for Advanced Standing)
  • Vocational Diploma in relevant field of study
  • Other equivalent qualifications

b. Minimum English Language Entry Requirement

Both local and international students must fulfill the minimum English language entry requirement of one of the following:

  • Achieved grade C6 or better in ‘O’ level English Language 
  • Pass in English Language in Year 10 High School qualification or equivalent
  • Achieved IELTS 5.5/TOEFL 550
  • Completed the LSBF Preparatory Course in English Upper Intermediate Level

Students with non-standard entry requirements will be assessed on a case-by-case basis subject to the approval of the Academic Board.

c. Minimum Age

18 years or above



Description Minimum Recommended
Computer and processor 1.6 GHz or faster, 2-core Intel Core i3 or equivalent 1.8 GHz, 2-core Intel Core i3 or equivalent
Memory 4 GB RAM 8 GB RAM
Hard Disk

256 GB disk size

Display 1280 x 768 screen resolution (32-bit requires hardware acceleration for 4K and higher) N/A

An internet connection – broadband wired or wireless

Speakers and a microphone – built-in or USB plug-in or wireless Bluetooth

A webcam or HD webcam - built-in or USB plug-in




This module develops the skills and techniques required for creating an overall plan for the design of software, design of functional specifications based on user and business requirements incorporating various controls, functionality, and interoperability of different elements into a designing an information system, modelling which describes the overall architecture in software, databases, hardware, and third-party frameworks that the software will use or interact with. It also covers some of the key legal, social, ethical, and professional issues relating to the information systems development.

This course introduces the basic concept of quantitative approaches to computing mathematics. This module will help students to attain essential knowledge in mathematical concepts and skills that are required for the study and application of computer science.

This module aims to focus on fundamental computer architecture, network fundamentals, protocols, and models. This module introduces the categories of the network functions, evaluate, and justify networks, and device performance using the OSI model and the most widely used TCP/IP protocol suite.

This module provides students with a detailed and essential foundation in cloud computing. Cloud computing is the uprising technology that will be considered critical in today’s business world. This introductory module to cloud computing describes and explains fundamental aspects of cloud computing concepts, models, technologies, and applications.

The aim of this module is to provide students with technical skills, communication skills, to develop applications by coding, testing, debugging, documenting, and reviewing in accordance with object- oriented programming standards for development and security. The module focuses on programming fundamentals such as introduction to computers and object-oriented programming, basic computation, variables, control structures, arrays, and the procedural programming methodology. It then progresses to introduce the object-oriented programming concepts of objects, classes, and inheritance.

The aim of this module is to provide students with practical skills to examine, translate complex software ideas and concepts into a web application and establish key design principles and methodologies. Students can select and use appropriate tools and techniques with which to design, build, implement, and test a web application. This module also provides opportunity to gain work skills to be able to provide professional documentation for the web pages produced.

This module introduces students to the database which are fundamental to current business information system activities. A database typically provides features to enhance compactness, reliability, flexibility and Internet applicability. Students will be introduced to concepts and fundamentals of database systems. Students will be able to specify and create a database model, including the setting of various parameters that can be modified to suit different structured or unstructured data requirements, the design of data, as well as the development of mechanisms for maintenance, storage and retrieval of data based on the business requirements. An open source database tool is considered for verifying the aforementioned features.

This module introduces students to the give a clear understanding of how networks, from in-home local area networks, or LANs, to the massive and global Internet, are built and how they allow us to use computers to share information and communicate with one another.

This module introduces students to the vital role of information systems in supporting an organisation's business processes and enhancing decision-making capabilities. The strategic implications of information systems will be analysed, and students will be introduced to decision making process, data analytics, risk management and IT audit for managing information system for an organisation.

This module introduces students to the fundamentals-first approach which builds a strong foundation of advanced programming data structures, algorithms, concepts, and techniques. This module introduces students with programming in a problem-driven way that focuses on problem solving rather than syntax, illustrating advanced data structure concepts by example, and provides hands-on practical laboratory exercises for students to gain programming and technical skills.

This module introduces students to the fundamentals-first approach which builds a strong foundation of advanced programming data structures, algorithms, concepts, and techniques. This module introduces students with programming in a problem-driven way that focuses on problem solving rather than syntax, illustrating advanced data structure concepts by example, and provides hands-on practical laboratory exercises for students to gain programming and technical skills.

This module introduces students to how to develop applications for Android smart phones and tablets. It demonstrates the need to know to successfully develop your own Android applications. It also addresses all the fundamentals, including user interfaces, networking, SMS messaging, and databases. It is a practical module primarily for those who extend their programming ability beyond and deploy their own Android Apps themselves in the market.

This module provides an opportunity for students to undertake a task of a suitable size that allows him/her to apply the appropriate skills and knowledge learnt in the Advanced Diploma. It is normally expected that the project will involve, in addition to evidence of meeting targets in the area of self and time management, relevant background reading and research, and use of appropriate tools and techniques for design and development. Work produced here must be of professional competence suitable for the level of the Higher Diploma course. Students will undertake a significant piece of individual applied academic work in an area of their own interest relevant to, and demonstrating technical skills acquired in, their programme of study. Students will normally need to research one or more academic topic areas and then apply their findings to the construction and implementation of a computer-based system.

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Contact a programme advisor by calling
+65 6580 7700

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