Study with a Registered Learning Organisation (RLO)
The Singapore CA Qualification is the national Chartered Accountant qualification.
Upon completion of the programme, candidates can apply for full membership at the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) to be conferred the designation, Singapore Chartered Accountant.
Internationally Recognised
The Singapore CA Qualification is designed to be globally recognised and internationally portable. Through the Reciprocal Membership Agreements (RMAs) with members of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW), the most prestigious group of professional bodies, the Singapore CA Qualification is mutually recognised with world-renowned chartered accountant qualifications. RMAs have been signed with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) and the Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI).
In partnership with ISCA, national body of accountancy in SG
Registered Learning Organisation (RLO) for Professional and foundation Programme
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singapore ca qualification modules
Singapore’s National Chartered Accountant Qualification
Foundation Programme Modules
The Singapore CA Qualification (Foundation) allows entry into the Singapore CA Qualification for interested candidates without an Accredited Accountancy Degree.
Upon completion of the Singapore CA Qualification (Foundation), candidates would have fulfilled the Academic Base requirement and thus able to enrol into the Singapore CA Qualification.
Principles of Financial Reporting
The Principles of Financial Reporting module provides candidates with knowledge of the Conceptual Framework and the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) to produce a complete set of financial statements for single entities, including basic notes to the accounts. Candidates will also be able to explain and advise on the application for the SFRS, demonstrating appropriate professional judgement.
Course outline:
- Understand the components of the Conceptual Framework
- Assess the relevance and importance of ethics and professionalism in complying with accounting standards and position the body of knowledge within the wider legal framework in Singapore
- Apply the appropriate measurement and recognition criteria for the elements of the financial statements
- Prepare a complete set of financial statements, including basic notes to the accounts, for a retail entity, a service entity, and a manufacturing entity
Advanced Financial Reporting
The Advanced Financial Reporting module builds upon the knowledge and skills studied in the Principles of Financial Reporting module. Candidates will also be able to explain and advise on the application of the SFRS, including the appropriate treatment and disclosure of hedge accounting, demonstrating appropriate professional judgement.
Course outline:
- Understand the importance of ethical behaviour in the context of Financial Reporting
- Apply the appropriate measurement and recognition criteria for the elements of the financial statements
- Demonstrate the appropriate treatment and disclosure relating to hedge accounting
- Determine and account for the components of goodwill, identify related party transactions, and defend the need for full disclosure
- Prepare consolidated financial statements with subsidiaries and associates under a business combination, including basic notes to the accounts
- Position the body of knowledge within the wider legal framework in Singapore and apply professional ethics
Accounting for Decision Making
The Accounting for Decision Making module develops cost accounting techniques for planning, control and decision-making. The key focus is on analysis of relevant information for decision-making by management. Upon successful completion of this module, candidates will have gained practical knowledge through the application of various strategic management accounting tools and techniques.
Course outline:
- Distinguish between management accounting and financial accounting
- Evaluate the performance of an entity
- Measure divisional performance, including the impact of transfer pricing strategies on performance management and control
- Evaluate business strategies in conjunction with organisational and environmental opportunities/constraints, and ensure their correlation with the goals and objectives of the entity
- Select and apply decision-making techniques to promote the efficient, effective, legal and ethical use of scarce resources
- Demonstrate how management accounting can improve decision-making and create sustainable value to the entity
Upon completion of the Assurance module, Candidates will understand the nature, purpose, and scope of assurance engagements. Candidates will also be able to demonstrate how an auditor obtains an understanding of the entity, plans and performs audit procedures, collects and documents evidence, and presents reports for statutory audits in accordance with the Singapore Standards on Auditing and Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.
Course outline:
- Nature, purpose, and scope of assurance engagements and the regulatory environment for statutory audits
- Assess the relevance and importance of ethics and professionalism in complying with Singapore Standards on Auditing and position the body of knowledge within the wider legal framework in Singapore
- Understanding of the entity, Risk assessment of material misstatement and concept of materiality
- Performing the audit
- Other assignments
- Reporting
- Current issues and developments
Financial Management
Starting with the environment and scope of finance, the module will delve into working capital management through active analysis of current assets and current liabilities. The firm’s cost of capital, through debt and equity sources, and other business finance issues will also be explored.
Course outline:
- The nature and purpose of financial management, and how the objectives relate to an entity’s corporate strategy, both financially and non-financially, in different types of organisations. For each type of business, outline the economic environment faced by the business and consider the role of financial markets and institutions.
- The importance of working capital management and describe the different management approaches relating to inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and cash appropriate to the business entity, for working capital needs and funding strategies.
- Identify the purpose of investment appraisal, and apply the non-discounted and discounted cash flow techniques, adjusting for the effects of risk and uncertainty. Effects of inflation and taxation are also considered under the discounted cash flow techiques, as appropriate.
- Describe the different sources of short and long term finance that are appropriate and available to different business entities, in different industries and size, including small and medium sized entities. Consider the implications of an existing or proposed finance structure on gearing, cost of capital (debt and equity), and the capital structure. Consider the impact of the cost of capital in investment appraisal.
- Identify the different types of risk that may be contained within a defined business environment and apply appropriate monitoring and mitigation strategies.
- Describe and apply the different business valuation models available to value an organisation with debt and/or equity. Outline the efficient market hypothesis and state how this affects the valuation of shares.
Singapore Taxation
The Singapore Taxation module equips candidates with the core knowledge of the underlying principles and major technical areas of taxation through a variety of business and personal scenarios and situations.
Course outline:
- Explain the overall function and purpose of the taxation system in the Singapore economy, identifying the different types of taxes (revenue, direct and indirect), and the principal sources of revenue law and practice, including how the domestic tax laws interact with that of other jurisdictions, as well as differentiate between tax avoidance and tax evasion
- Define the scope of individual tax, including income from employment, self-employment, investment income, and the comprehensive computation of taxable income and liability to tax, taking into account allowable exemptions and reliefs
- Define the scope of tax and profits chargeable to corporate income tax and the comprehensive computation of corporate income tax liability, taking into account group structures and identify exemptions and reliefs available to companies to minimise tax liabilities legally and ethically
- Compute income tax liabilities, explain the basis of the calculations, apply ethical tax-planning techniques, and identify compliance issues for sole-proprietorship and corporate entities, including corporate groups
- Maintain Goods and Services Tax (GST) records and file GST returns
- Position the body of knowledge within the wider legal framework in Singapore and apply professional ethics
Professional Programme Modules
LSBF has achieved the Registered Learning Organisation (RLO) Status for Professional Programme for Singapore CA Qualification. The status is valid till 20 June 2025. See certificate here.
Financial Reporting
Upon completion of the Financial Reporting module, Candidates will be able to demonstrate knowledge and apply the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) to produce a complete set of financial statements for an entity. They will also be able to explain and advise on the application of the SFRS, demonstrating appropriate professional judgment in the process.
Course outline:
- Financial Reporting Framework
- Professional Ethics in Financial Reporting
- Recognition and Measurement of Assets
- Recognition and Measurement of Liabilities
- Recognition of Revenue and Expenses
- Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
- Other Standards on Presentation and Disclosure of Financial Statements
- Consolidated Financial Statements
- Other Reporting Frameworks and Emerging Trends
Assurance Module
The module covers procedures in practice management, including quality control and the acceptance and retention of professional engagements; the audit of financial statements including planning, managing, evidence and review, as well as other assignments and reporting.
Course outline:
- Legal and Professional Framework
- Considerations for the Professional Accountant
- Practice Management
- Performing the Audit
- Other Assignments
- Reporting
- Current Issues and Developments
Business Value, Governance and Risk
The module addresses risk management as a key factor in governance and strategy. It develops skills from previous studies in asset valuation in the context of wider considerations of capital investment appraisal, including strategic investment decisions, taking into account underlying financial risk management concepts for effective and responsible decision making.
Course outline:
- Enhancing Business Value
- Investment Appraisal
- Governance and Responsibility
- Internal Control and Review
Candidates will learn how to appreciate tax planning opportunities under domestic taxation laws. Candidates will also be expected to understand international taxation and comparative tax treatments for financial risk management considerations, though not in a tax planning or advisory role
Course outline:
- Personal Income Tax Liabilities
- Corporate Income Tax Liabilities
- Withholding Tax
- Stamp Duty
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- The Importance of Taxation to Personal and Corporate Financial Management
- The Impact of Relevant Taxes On Various Situations and Courses of Action, Including The Interaction of Taxes
- Ethically Minimise and/or Defer Tax Liabilities By The Use of Standard Tax Planing Measures
- Communicating with Clients, IRAS, and Other Professionals in an Appropriate Manner
Integrated Business Solutions (IB)
This capstone module will develop Candidates’ ability to identify business issues and opportunities, and use their knowledge, skills, values, and judgment acquired from the Ethics and Professionalism module, four technical modules, and practical work experience to develop integrative business solutions for relevant stakeholders groups. Higher-order knowledge and skills are required to assess strategic positions, business performance, and governance, as well as identify viable options, recommend appropriate plans to achieve strong organizational performance, and provide sustainable value-added solutions.
Course outline:
- Business Awareness and Strategic Analysis
- Critical Thinking, Analysis and Problem Solving
- Ethics and Professionalism
- Recommending Business Solutions
- Managing Self
- Business Communication
helpful information
course structure & delivery mode
Foundation Programme (Total 36 learning hours/module)
- Face-to-face/Live Broadcast sessions
- 24/7 access to recorded lessons
- Practice questions
- E-materials
- Mock exam
- Mock exam debrief (2 hours)
Professional Programme (Total 18 learning hours/module)
- Live Broadcast sessions
- 24/7 access to recorded lessons
- Practice questions
- E-materials
- Mock exam
- Mock exam debrief (2 hours)
Candidate ISCA registration & Dates
Only existing Singapore CA Qualification candidates can apply for our Preparatory Course for the Singapore CA Qualification. You may do so via the ISCA website.
You may refer to the respective ISCA pages for dates:
Study Resources
Click here to access additional resources from ISCA to help you on your CA Singapore journey.
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Singapore CA Qualification entry requirements
Foundation Programme Eligibility
Applicants with any of the following are eligible for the Foundation programme:
- Accredited degrees
- Other recognised degrees
- Undergraduates (effective from 1 July 2017)
- Recognised polytechnic diploma
Accredited Degrees
The following are accredited degrees:
National University of Singapore | – Bachelor of Business Administration |
University of London | – Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance – Bachelor of Science in Accounting with Law – Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance |
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University | – Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) (including full-time and part-time programmes) |
University of Portsmouth | – Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accountancy and Financial Management |
University of Essex | – Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Finance |
Murdoch University | – Bachelor of Business in Accounting |
Other Recognised Degrees
Applicants with other degrees are also eligible provided the degree is recognised by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). ACRA recognises degrees that are comparable to a three-year undergraduate degree using internationally recognised reference sources. Please check your degree here.
If you do not find your university in the list, write to us at scaq@isca.org.sg.
Undergraduates of degrees recognised by ACRA are eligible (effective from 1 July 2017). These degrees are comparable to a three-year undergraduate degree using internationally recognised reference sources.
Recognised Polytechnic Diploma
Holders of a recognised Polytechnic Diploma can apply. Holders can either apply directly into the Foundation Programme or can enrol into the ACRA-NP Advanced Diploma in Accountancy which shares the same centralised examinations as the Foundation Programme.
Eligible Polytechnics:
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- Singapore Polytechnic
- Temasek Polytechnic
- Republic Polytechnic
Professional Programme Eligibility
Applicants must satisfy both the Academic and Practical Requirements outlined below.
Applicants need to have either of the following:
1. Direct Entry Degree
Applicants must possess one of the following degrees for no more than 5 years commencing from the date of conferment.
- Nanyang Technological University
- Bachelor of Accountancy
- Master of Science in Accountancy (previously known as Master of Business Administration (Accountancy))
- National University of Singapore – Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy)
- Singapore Management University – Bachelor of Accountancy
- Singapore University of Social Sciences – Bachelor of Accountancy (part-time included)
- Singapore Management University – Master of Professional Accounting
- Singapore Institute of Technology – Bachelor of Accountancy
Applicants who have had a direct entry degree for more than 5 years may have their working experience considered for direct admission on a case-by-case basis.
2. Accredited Degree or Other degree
Applicants must possess an accredited degree or other degree that is recognised by SAC and have completed the Singapore CA Qualification (Foundation) programme. For a list of universities or institutions recognised by the SAC, please click here.
3. Final Year Undergraduates (with effect from November 2020)
Final-year Bachelor of Accountancy undergraduates from NUS, NTU, SMU, SIT and SUSS, and final year undergraduates from any discipline from all universities who have completed the Foundation Programme, do not need to graduate before signing up for the Professional Programme. They can do so as a final year undergraduate, and their one-time application fee of S$107 will be waived.
To register, the applicant must be employed in an Accredited Training Organisation (ATO).The ATOs issue a Training Agreement and assign an Approved Mentor to their Candidates.
SGD $900
(Foundation Programme)
SGD $1,000
(Professional Programme)