Master of Arts in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Designed and awarded by

Enhance your career in logistics and supply chain management field with our master’s programme that helps you analyse business challenges and effectively solve them. Our Programme, Master of Arts in Logistics & Supply chain management has been awarded by University of Greenwich, one of the premier universities across the globe.

Master of Arts Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Key Facts

  • Duration: 12 months (full-time), 18 months (part-time)
  • Intake date: Start in January, May or September
  • Delivery Mode:
    • On campus
  • Fees: SGD $18,203.00 (local students) / SGD $20,185.19 (international students) (both part-time and full-time) (Prices inclusive of GST)

  • Ranked 86th for the Impact Rankings in 2023*
  • The University of Greenwich has been ranked Top 6.4 Globally by ‘Centre for World University Rankings'**




The programme is designed to fulfil the needs of practitioners and employers in a fast changing economic environment, and the educational aims of the programme are:

  • providing work related learning and teaching
  • advance study of organisations, business management and the changing external environment in which organisations operate
  • preparing students for careers in business development and management by equipping them with a systematic, broad and integrated understanding of key aspects of business
  • development of professional skills and career management
  • application of knowledge and understanding of business and management with an emphasis on solving complex issues, both systematically and creatively, to improve business and management practice
  • enhancement of lifelong learning skills and personal development


Summary of Skills Development for Students within the Programme

The graduates should:

  • be business minded, i.e. have strong commercial awareness, and the ability to consistently apply their knowledge and subject-specific and wider intellectual skills in a multi-tasking, fast paced environment
  • be numerate, i.e. possess the numerical and analytical skills to setup benchmark processes and measure business performances
  • be creative, i.e. be able to approach tasks from an analytical viewpoint and be able to interpret complex data sets, and therefore develop innovative business plans using creative thinking and judgement
  • be people oriented, i.e. have strong interpersonal and organisational skills, and therefore be able to liaise with different types of people both within and external to organisation
  • be able to engage with all types of audiences, and build relations with customers
  • be able work either individually or in a team, and be able to inspire and influence others
  • be technologically capable; i.e. be able to apply information technology to work, enhancing efficiency, effectiveness and accuracy
  • have effective oral and written communication skills, and the confidence and ability to present complex ideas and argument

The programme provides opportunities for students to achieve the following learning outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding

A graduate of the programme will be able to:

  • have a strong commercial awareness, a systematic and integrated understanding of the functions and processes of business, and practices for effective management of business
  • understand the global environment in which business operate and its effects upon business management, include the political, economic, technological, social, ethical and environmental factors
  • identify, interpret and utilise complex data to analyse business performance and make plans to improve it
  • demonstrate strategic awareness, and evaluate options available to organisations with an insight that ensures future business strategy is geared to improve efficiency and overall profit maximisation
  • make business decisions that take into account international complexity, cultural differences, ethical issues and social responsibilities


The programme provides opportunities for students to develop the following skills:

Intellectual skills

A graduate of the programme will be able to:

  • assess the implications for management of emerging influences and challenges inside and outside the organisation
  • deconstruct arguments by looking at assumptions and implicit values and to evaluate them in terms of evidence
  • synthesise information from a number of sources in order to gain a coherent understanding of multifaceted business problems
  • solve problems and make decisions with IDEAL (Identify the problem, Define the problem, Examine alternatives, Act on a plan, Look at the consequences) model
  • have effective intellectual autonomy, initiative and self-competence in learning situations
  • think independently and creatively, and work collaboratively with innovative ideas
  • effective in self-management in terms of time, planning and behaviour, motivation, self-starting, individual initiative and enterprise
  • have self-awareness, openness, and sensitivity to diversity in terms of people, cultures, business and management issues
  • lead a team under various circumstances, liaise with different types of people within organisation and external to organisation
  • have the ability to engage all types of audiences including senior level audience, and are able to influence and inspire others


Subject practical skills

A graduate of the programme will be able to:

  • be effective at managing and utilising quantifiable information
  • take logical steps to understand, analyse and solve a problem or issue by utilising scientific tools and processes
  • apply qualitative and quantitative business tools to analyse, evaluate, and make decisions for a wide range of international scenarios and problems
  • apply advanced information communication technologies, and project management skills to manage organisations and improve business performances
  • work collaboratively in multicultural and diverse teams, appreciating cultural differences and demonstrating personal initiative
  • have the comprehension of the strategic dimension essential in undertaking a management role in any organisation


Transferable Skills

A graduate of the programme will be able to:

  • analyse business problems using a range of criteria and techniques, leading to recommendations on options, implementation and choice of actions
  • create, evaluate and assess a range of options together with the capacity to apply ideas and knowledge to a range of situations
  • gain relevant personal transferable skills e.g. oral, written, analytical, problem-solving, teamwork skills, and time management skills applicable to a range of job opportunities including self-employment
  • demonstrate computer literacy appropriate to the business profession and can adopt the information technologies effectively
  • have enhanced interpersonal skills e.g. building relationships, maximising individual strengths, negotiating individual contributions or organisational benefits


Graduate Attributes

“The University of Greenwich has always aimed to provide an environment that allows students to maximise their potential. In meeting the challenges of today’s tough and changing world our consultation with staff and students resulted in defining distinctive characteristics for the Greenwich Graduate. These explicit behaviours, values, skills and dispositions that we expect our students to develop will best prepare them for their future careers and help us to reshape student learning and assessment activities.”

Scholarship and Autonomy: Achieved through the adoption of the Greenwich Graduate attributes, which have been incorporated into the Programme and Course Benchmark statements.

Creativity and Enterprise: Achieved through the delivery of PPD courses, development of PDPs, work related learning and teaching, and the integration of innovative information technologies to all courses. The introduction of Work Related Learning module specifically focuses upon enhancing employability. The Level 6 course Consultancy Project enables students to obtain an insight into the live environment and challenges in real business.

Cross-cultural and International Awareness: Achieved through the mix of diverse cultures and origins of both students and teaching team and the international nature of the subject material. The appreciation of sustainability is achieved by introducing the new Level 6 course Sustainable Business.

Teaching and learning methods

The University of Greenwich has always aimed to provide innovative teaching and learning approaches:

  • The programme is holistically designed to facilitate cross curriculum development of knowledge, skills and attributes within the context of the subject matter within course level delivery (courses being the vehicle by which programme outcomes are met), utilising a blended model of learning and teaching.
  • Covering the same curriculum, and based upon common principles of task oriented, constructive concepts supported by interactive discourse, different modes occupy a different position along the continuum of face-face engagement vs. online facilitated engagement.
  • The delivery of full time and part time mode are primarily facilitated with face-face workshops, and complemented with online learning environment facilitated group work, individual work and discussion fora.
  • The range of learning tools utilised include interactive lectures, field visit, guest lecture, student conference, CILT/CIPS events, activity based workshops and seminars, online resources and discussion fora. Case studies, business simulations, group consultancy and individual research projects support the application of knowledge alongside individual and group based research and presentations. Activity workshops and group projects facilitate the development of skills and attributes. Opportunity is taking where appropriate to optimise timetabled time with students for engagement that is best facilitated in face-face and group social involvement whilst utilising technology to complement with content transmission.


Compulsory modules Credits Hours Lessons Teaching contact hrs
Supply Chain and Logistics Management 15 3 12 36
Procurement and Supply Management 15 3 12 36
Foundations of Scholarship and Research Methods 15 3 12 36
Project Management 15 3 12 36
Financial Management 15 3 12 36
Supply Chain Simulation and Modelling 15 3 12 36
Logistics Technologies 15 3 12 36
Strategic Management 15 3 12 36
Leadership, Personal Development & Career Management 15 3 12 36
Consultancy Project 15 3 12 36
Dissertation 30 3 2 6
Total Contact hours Full (Time & Part Time) 366

Progression Path Programmes Undergraduate Logistics Master Of Arts Logistics And Supply Chain Management


a. Minimum Academic Entry Requirement:

Students who have successfully completed either of the following:

  • Bachelors degree from a recognised University with minimum 2 classifications
  • Students, who have obtained equivalent qualifications in relevant fields (usually professional qualification), will be assessed case-by-case and subjected to university approval

b. Minimum English Language Entry Requirement:

  • Applicants who have not studied prior qualifications in English require IELTS 6.0 or equivalent in an accepted English language test.

c. Minimum Age:

  • 21 years or above

If you don't meet the entry requirements, please refer to the below pathway section and find out how to progress towards the MA Logistics and Supply Chain Management degree.


The aim is to give students a critical understanding of the current academic and pragmatic approaches to strategies associated with logistics and supply chain management. This course has two fundamental objectives: 1). the critical study and appraisal of logistics and supply chain management, and 2). to critically appraise and evaluate the importance of logistics and supply chain management for creating strategies of reducing cost and improving service and sustainability.

This course has these fundamental objectives: To equip students with the ability to critically analyse national and international procurement. To critically evaluate risk analysis from different aspects of purchasing and supply. To be able to appraise and evaluate supplier sourcing, selection and performance, in order to achieve competitiveness, effectiveness, efficiency and profitability within the supply chain.

This Module aims to help students to develop essential scholarship skills that are necessary to write excellent extended project reports and dissertations. It also provides the knowledge and understanding of research design and methods appropriate for research, hence to help student to develop practical competence in aspects appropriate to academic practice and research in logistics, transport and supply chain management.

Through a systematic and detailed explanation of project management techniques, this course provides students with the academic knowledge, business understanding and the ability to integrate these skills and knowledge. On completion of the course, students will be able to plan, manage and control projects which are usually constrained by time, cost and quality. The course will also expose students to the unique nature of advanced operations in a project orientated environment by using various types of project games and case studies, especially on the area of logistics & supply chain and transport management. The overall aim of this course is to help students reflect on the complex nature of projects and to equip them with the abilities of better decision-making and project solutions formulations.

  • To gain knowledge of main accounting concepts and paradigms
  • To develop the necessary skills in using financial tools and techniques
  • To provide knowledge and understanding of the management accounting tools and methods
  • To develop critical evaluation of company’s performance using publicly available information
  • To understand the relationship between accounting and non-financial disciplines
  • To develop an awareness and appreciation of current developments in the financial management

This course aims to improves students’ knowledge and understanding of how modelling and simulation processes can be usefully applied within various environments, with a major focus on the realistic evaluation of a company’s operating performance prior to the execution of its strategic plans. The course also puts a strong emphasis on how the seamless integration of appropriate models and modelling techniques into an information system infrastructure can increase the usefulness of data for supply chain decision making. Additionally, the course examines the impact of a company’s strategic plans on the whole supply chain network and evaluates the interrelationships between the use of analytical methodologies and pragmatic modelling and the availability of capital and human resources.

The aim of this course is to give students a critical understanding of the current development of ICT to enhance the supply chain performance.

The aim is to provide students with the necessary knowledge of the main concepts and frameworks of strategic management for developing a comprehensive understanding of transport policies design, implementation and managing at the local, national and international levels. This course has the following basic objectives: a. exploring fundamental tools and techniques of strategy, b. the critical evaluation of strategy formulation and implementation processes, and c. developing strategic thinking for transport policy design and implementation.

To experience, develop understanding of, and apply concepts of leadership, career management, continuous professional development and reflective practice so as to create effective professional development and career management plans relevant to the Supply Chain management, Logistics and Transport sectors.

To present a unified problem-solving heuristic upon which to structure problem-solving and project activity and within that heuristic, to explore a wide range of creative problem-solving techniques, both group and individual. To apply combinations of these skills and knowledge acquired on the master programme on a real work-based example and enable students to improve their own problem-solving skills in both modes. To apprise students for the Consultant role and imbue them with an understanding of its diplomatic and negotiational dimensions. To give students experience of working as members of a team under pressure in a real business context.

This course is intended to apply the practical skills and knowledge of research techniques that have been established in the Research Methods course. In managing a small-scale research project, students are expected to develop their understanding of the relationship between theory and practice and extend their capacity for analysis and logical inference.

Request More Information

Contact a programme advisor by calling
+65 6580 7700

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